Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last Weekend

Last weekend was so eventful, I am still blogging about it.  So many pictures.  

It's springtime!  In Texas!  And I have little kids!  And a blog!  So I guess this means I have to sit my kids in bluebonnets and take pictures of them.  Even though I am on the fence on whether or not it's too girly to plop little boys in rolling hills of wildflowers for the purpose of picture taking.

So here's our 2008 Bluebonnet Picture:
What?  You can't see the bluebonnets?  Look, they're right HERE:
Now isn't that just precious.

Here's a cute picture of Aidan.  He's smiling, so Dane must still be napping.  Someday Aidan will not have cute white curls on top of his head, so I feel the need to document their presence now.
Dane is at the park just before we started the Diego Adventure trying to share with me his yogurt-dipped dried cranberry.  Um, no thanks.
This was at the park, also.  This big green tube looks kind of like a slide, but you are actually supposed to climb down it using the big holes for your hands and feet, because it is really steep to just slide down.  But no one told Aidan.
Sunday afternoon our church had a family picnic at, yes, another PARK!  (This is my 3rd park day in 5 days, and I am tired.  I just want to stay home and do laundry, already.)  Brandon was painting a Ninja Turtle (Leonardo, actually) on Dane's face.  The ladies there realized that Brandon is especially gifted in the face painting department, and Brandon was recruited for about half an hour.  
I'm in the middle of a little 12-day hiatus from work (woo hoo!!), and we will be going up to DFW area tomorrow for several days.  I finally get to meet my nephew Zane!  Brandon is in Orlando at a convention/Disney fun time/eating out a lot.  I think he's supposed to be learning stuff.  Or something.  But when he calls, he's always on the way to a restaurant (not the kind with a drive thru) or in "Downtown Disney".  Maybe next time I'll leave the kids at home and go learn with him...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Mandy I deffinintly think you need to hitch a ride next time there is a "conference."
