Monday, November 3, 2008

Early Shopping

Dane and Aidan did a little shopping and picked up something for the new baby:
Yes, it is a girl!  We had an ultrasound this afternoon, and let's just say, there was a definite weenie deficiency.  Not much doubt about it.  Ultrasound pictures to come soon...

And, yes, I know the outfit is pink.  In fact, it looks a bit like the chicken pox.


  1. Congratulations! If you want more pink, I'll be happy to ship you some hand-me-downs! : )

  2. Congratulations! I really thought the boys did an excellent job picking out the outfit as it has on it their favorite activity to do in the late spring!

    Out of the 5 Seay great-great grandchildren due by May '09, there are 4 girls and 1 boy! Won't they have fun at the reunions!

  3. Oops! We don't know what one of them is yet, so 3 girls, 1 boy and an it!

  4. How fun! By the way, you just look too cute!

  5. I love that the boys picked out something she can wrestle in. They're so thoughtful like that. :o)

    (Bring on the PINK!!!)

  6. All I can think of is how PRECIOUS Dane was with Stephanie.....and now Stephanie will have someone to play dolls with when we come down :)

  7. How did Brandon confuse that adorable pink strawberry for a carrot?! He's gonna have to brush up onhis girlie side...

    Love y'all! Tell Aidan I'm sorry it's a sister and not a TIGER, like he wanted.
