Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Less Outnumbered than Ever

Here are a couple of shots from the ultrasound yesterday.

This first one is a profile shot.  To the right is baby's head, you can see the tips of her fingers near her chin.
Here is the money shot.  Our precious daughter flashin' the trash.  The picture is from the bottom looking up.  Baby's skinny butt is to the left, with her legs sticking out to the right.  And in the middle, no weenie.  This is definitely different than Dane and Aidan's ultrasounds.

Here was the conversation I had with the sweet ultrasound tech:
US Tech:  Can you tell what you're having?
Me:  Where's the weenie?
US Tech:  There's not one.  You're having a girl.
Me:  Are you sure?  Is there another angle we could check?
US Tech:  No, this is the angle.  It's a girl.  Congratulations!  AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!?!
Me:  Of course.  These are just tears of joy.  Yes, joy, that's it.

Brandon and I are gradually getting over the sense of terror and shock we initially felt last night in the ultrasound room.  (I'm not gonna lie, glee and joy were not the initial emotions experienced.)  And we are getting more excited about having a girl.  Really, we are.  Still nervous and have no idea what to expect, but I'm going to enjoy the shopping part of a daughter, I think.  

One thing is certain:  she's going to have to be one tough cookie to hold her own with these two.

Or, we may just have to dress her up as the damsel in distress for Halloween to stick with the theme.

After the ultrasound, we asked the boys what they thought the baby in mommy's tummy was.  Aidan immediately said, "A tiger!", and Dane thought it was a girl.  Dane told me today that we needed to get some girl toys, like perhaps Hannah Montana stuff. 

Oh, sweet mercy.  HANNAH MONTANA STUFF?!?!  

Start prayin' for me now.


  1. SOOOOO glad I have someone who will feel my joy (and pain!)
    Yea.....three things that will not be in my little girls life (because I may pull my hair out)
    1. Hannah Montana
    2. Bratz
    3. High School Musical ANYTHING!!!

    Welcome to the WONDERFUL and oh so interesting world of girls :)

  2. you can always have a lilly, she plays with blocks, dinosaurs, and cars. Very little baby dolls and NOOO Bratz. Memaw keeps sneaking in Barbies though. She just beats Caitlin with them...

  3. We are so excited you are having a girl!!!!!!!!! 6 boys and no girls for GG would have been crazy!!!:)
