Monday, July 13, 2009

Brain. Is. Fried.

Please excuse my lack of posting this past week.  The 103 degree heat has officially fried my brain cells.  Well, what was left of my brain cells after introducing a third baby into our brood last spring.  We have been trying to stay cool these last few days--going to the movies, neighborhood pool, and sneaking into a splash park.  Though it's difficult to cool down in a pool that is 97 degrees.  Sort of like taking a warm bath with various neighbors while wearing your swimsuit.  Totally my idea of a good time.

I also worked one day last week.  It was an especially good day in the ER:  I got to wear one of the blue plastic gowns because some dude put his arm through a vase, slashing an artery and bleeding like a geyser all over the place, and the only dead person we had was really really old.  Our crazy patient managed to keep his underwear on while wandering the halls, and I didn't get anyone's poop on my scrubs.  I have a strange job, and I recognize that I have a bit of a twisted view on what constitutes a good day at work.

But look what I get to come home to:
Harper was so tired and I was making her dress up in an adorable outfit and pose for pictures.  And the boys are only moderately cooperating because I promised them Wii play afterwards.

It's so hard to pick just one smiling baby picture...
She was mostly interested in playing with her shirt:
On a completely unrelated note, I need some good books to read.  I have one en route from Amazon right now, but it's a fluffy book that I can read in about 2 days.  Not that there's anything wrong with fluffy reading.  So, read any good books lately?  Who are some authors that you like?  

Things I like in a book:  mystery, suspense, crime drama-type stuff, great storytellers like James Herriot.  A little romance as a sub-plot is fine, but not too much.  As far as non-fiction goes, I loved Blue Like Jazz, never got all the way through Heaven (I think my brain exploded somewhere in the first third), so something in between, leaning towards BLJ is more my speed.

Things I don't like in a book:  bodice-ripping romance novels, sci-fi or fantasy of ANY kind (yes, this includes Twilight--sorry everyone I know), ridiculously sad books, and Christian fiction that is overly after-school special-ish.

Suggestions please!


  1. Wheel of Time qualifies as 'Fantasy' not sci-fi... coming now to a bookshelf in your room.

    Otherwise... **checks shelf**... oooohhhkay... apparently all I read is Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Why don't you? hmmmm... it must have been something about your upbringing.

  2. Ignore what John said about your upbringing, you grew up with a wonderful daddy and an above average mom.
    I just started The Millionaires by Brad Meltzer, the lead character is a bit overdone like Monk, but not nearly that extreme, but it is a very good story.
    Have you ever noticed your beautiful daughter never smiles in a picture when her brothers are around? I think she is frightened, or like any true Princess she is not comfortable around the peasants.

  3. Great pictures of the kids and especially Harper!

    Christian fiction novel "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. Loosely based on the story of Hosea in the Bible. GREAT book!

  4. I so prayed for a nurse like you when I was in the ER last week! No such luck!! I got the old grumpy nurse!! I spent the whole night in the ER and I am fully confident saying I could NEVER do your job :)

    I finally got my own version of Mandy, right as they admitted me to the hospital and she moved me to the 4th floor :(

  5. Your own version of Mandy? So your nurse was sarcastic and almost completely devoid of compassion? ;)

  6. This is completely not on your list, but my favorite chick lit book of all time is "Something Borrowed." Have you read it? SO fun. Well written and you get very, very sucked into the story!!

  7. Well, I pretty much only read books with teenagers in them. If you like that kind of thing I can recommend a few of the great ones I've read this summer.

    UNWIND by Neal Shusterman
    THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins
    PIECES OF GEORGIA by Jen Bryant
    COMPOUND by S.A. Bodeen
    HOW NOT TO BE POPULAR by Jennifer Ziegler

    All of these books are on the Lonestar list, so they are guaranteed to be amazing! I've read them and loved them. UNWIND and THE HUNGER GAMES both take place in the future in societies that I'm sure will never actually come about. I don't think they really count as Fantasy or Sci Fi though. I promise! And I have all of the above mentioned books in my possession if you'd like to borrow any of them.

    I am currently reading MY SISTER'S KEEPER, but that might fit into your ridiculously sad category. Not sure yet.

    I LOVE talking about books! Can you tell?

    :) Sheila

  8. Okay, anything Jodi Piccoult. She's incredible in the edge of your seat department. Just read none of Your Business by Valerie Block & This Is How It Happened (Not a Love Story) by Jo Barrett...both awesome.

    Harper is so gorgie. Love the boy-os.

  9. Kristi,
    I'm not sure you realize what kind of nurse Mandy actually is.
    Our prayer was actually quite different.

  10. I can only assume someone told you that because you now have 3 children, and are working, and you are so busy, and it is hot, that you only have to blog once a week.
    Don't believe it.

  11. I can only assume someone told you that because you now have 3 children, and are working, and you are so busy, and it is hot, that you only have to blog once a week.
    Don't believe it.

  12. I can only assume someone told you that because you now have 3 children, and are working, and you are so busy, and it is hot, that you only have to blog once a week.
    Don't believe it.
