Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Burn Ban?

I hope you and yours had a fun and safe 4th of July!  Ours was spent welcoming Brandon back from his week long trip to CIY in Colorado, and celebrating freedom and pyromania in the driveway.

Brandon picked up a handful of fireworks "for the boys to enjoy" on their holiday.

For the boys to enjoy??  Brandon was doing his happy dance...
Aidan was a big fan of the sparklers:

Dane was a big fan of not standing still for pictures:

We only started a small grass fire, which Brandon quickly put out with our sprinkler before it engulfed the dry pine needles and our neighbors' fence.  All in all, Dane proclaimed it to be a "very special day."

Couldn't have said it better myself.


  1. Clearly, adult supervision is needed.

  2. wow, our boys would get along beautifully! Ha! Your daughter is beautiful! I love your blog, I don't keep up with mine as often as I should, but glad to know you have one so I can keep up with your family!
