Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby Doll

The other day at our play group, one of the little girls had her doll with her. A sweet, squishy baby doll that Harper instantly latched on to. She followed her friend around gazing longingly at the little doll.

Y'all, Harper has never had a doll. She plays with Wii remotes, animals, and her noisy baby toys, but no baby doll. I waited an entire day after the play group until my mommy-guilt got the best of me and Harper and I took a trip to the Target in search of the perfect baby doll for Harper girl.

After searching several aisles, I saw her. Smaller than her friend's doll, it was just the perfect size for a little 1-year old to hold and love. Her body was soft, and her face was drool-proof, and she was the last little baby doll left on the shelf. Harper saw that baby doll and could not keep her eyes off of her. Into the cart she went, and into Harper's arms she stayed once she had been purchased.

I know what you're thinking when you see this picture.

"Is that little pink bow a choking hazard?"

Later that evening, Dane saw Harper proudly holding her new baby and said sweetly, "Harper, you looked just like this when you were born!"

Now if only this baby had a name...


  1. Harper herself looks like a sweet, angelic baby doll. Love those lashes!

  2. Dane-O, what a sweet thing to say! And way to go, Girl Mom, getting Hops a baby doll. I think you should wait and see what Harper decides to call her doll and make that the baby's "name". :)

  3. Harper's doll is the tannest child in your house! Joel won't feel so left out!

  4. What precious pictures of Harper, and Dane is so sweet to her. Brought many memories rushing back to both Doug & me. . . little girls & little dolls.
