Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh, weekend.

I'm going to need another weekend to recover from my weekend!

Friday after an 8 hour shift (7am-3pm, aka the "princess shift") Brandon and I, along with a couple of buddies, left the kiddos with a sitter and loaded up in the van to head out to a wedding. The three Minivan Ladies (not to be confused with the Pink Ladies from Grease) found ourselves all matchy-matchy wearing black and white print outfits and carrying red purses. I would love to say that no one at the wedding noticed. And I would love to say that I had my camera and was able to properly document the moment, but we didn't think to take a picture until 12:30 that night, after the wedding and music and buffet and pie and it was dark outside and we resorted to snapping a quick picture with a camera phone while we stood in front of the van headlights for light in a parking lot. Nope, we're way better planners than that.

It's still a little strange for me when our youth group kids get married. Especially when they're marrying each other. I just have to remember that they are grown ups now, and not 15 anymore, even though Brandon and I have not aged a bit. We had a great time crying at the beautiful ceremony, then laughing till we cried while catching up with old friends at the reception. And did I mention pie? When we had wedding-ed ourselves out, we headed a mere 5 minutes away to House of Pies and squished all 6 of our (non-tiny) selves into a booth and enjoyed some of Houston's best comfort food.

Our 1 am return to our house would not have been an issue Friday night had I been able to sleep past 7am Saturday morning. And not had a 12 hour shift to work on Saturday. Fortunately, my shift was 11am-11pm at my new favorite place to work. Unfortunately, that put me to bed after midnight again. Only to get up pre-7am on Sunday morning. Ugh. I am just not someone who can function well without being overly cranky on this kind of sleep schedule. Sunday brought a full day of church, a couple of meetings, and youth group Sunday night. My kids ate two meals of Little Ceasar's Pizza for lunch and dinner at church, and they got to play with their church buddies quite a bit. One of their friends, a little girl a couple of years older than Dane, had a birthday Saturday and had some new play-makeup to show my boys. I picked them up, and Dane informed me that "whoever invented lipstick is a genius, mom. A genius."

Indeed, Dane.

Monday finds me catching up on all the housework that I haven't done these past few days. I took whatever free time I had yesterday to "Sabbath", looked around at the dishes in the sink, the clean laundry waiting to be put away, and the toothpaste all over the boys' bathroom, and decided that it would all still be there today. And unfortunately, it was. I'm enjoying spending today at home, because tomorrow will be spent on errands and more of the never ending adoption paperwork.

The travel documents I overnighted to Oregon last week are being returned to us because I forgot to initial 2 pages, and I am sending papers to Immigration tomorrow requesting to adopt a 3 year old, instead of the younger child that they gave us permission to adopt last fall.

All while my daughter sits in an orphanage halfway around the world, without her mommy and daddy.


  1. Sounds like you're super mom! I love being able to stay caught up on your life. I'm certain God has his hand on your daughter in China, and she'll be very glad to meet you; soon enough.

  2. I have to admit, and you KNOW I'm a crier, I am sitting at school, crying over the closing of your post today and thanking God that that little girl will be part of our family, even if she isn't with us right now. You and Brandon are amazing parents and little "Ja'el" (hehehe) is a welcome addition. Love y'all.
