Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


  1. It is a shame that none of the little camera hog's brothers could make it to strawberry fields...

  2. Aidan was there. 2nd picture, top right corner with his other family that he decided he wanted to pick strawberries with instead of Harper and me. And I have several hundred pictures of the boys picking strawberries.

  3. I love that your children have all instintively known to go right ahead and eat the strawberries directly from the plant. You go, Harper!

  4. Oh yes I see Aidan in that picture now... Picking strawberries with a little girl... Your son the 4 year old hound.. You must be so proud.
    What other pickup joints do you take him to?

  5. I love the pic of Harper with her mouth open so wide that her nose is scrunched so she can fit the whole strawberry in her mouth.

  6. It's an experienced Momma that takes her daughter to her first strawberry tasting event in a RED shirt (perfect camo for the juicy-juicy strawberries)!!

  7. 2nd picture from the bottom...I know she looks like little Dane-O, but that face is sooooo Aidan.
