Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Aidan

Sweet Aidan Cooper,

We have so loved watching you be a big brother yet again, Aidan. These past few weeks you have been so sweet with Emerson, playing with her in the backyard, holding her hand at the park, and letting her play legos with you sometimes.

You are five years old now, and still get reminded of that fact on a fairly regular basis when you start to throw a fit or have a meltdown. Thankfully, this is happening less and less lately. Five has been a pretty big year for you so far. You had a big birthday party, then Mommy and Daddy went to China and brought you home another little sister. You have big plans for Mommy and Daddy to bring you home a little brother someday, but I don't see that ever happening, A-man.

You also started going to pre-k twice a week, and have had the best school year so far. Your teacher is wonderful and patient and laid back, and she has seen you in other classes there for the past several years and has figured out just what makes you tick. You are learning so much, and getting better and better about writing your letters, and you come home from school so excited and ready to tell me all about your day. You respond very well to positive reinforcement, and have been excited to show me several of your "goodies" that you have gotten from class. You and Daddy usually stop for an Icee on your way home from school, and I suspect it's one of your favorite things ever, that special one-on-one time with Daddy.

You are going to be Indiana Jones for Halloween this year, and we have been slowly but surely piecing together a costume for you, complete with a brown leather jacket that mommy scored from the resale shop for a mere $8. You also have an Indy hat, whip, and some sort of belt with a weapon on it that Daddy has convinced
Mommy is absolutely necessary for authenticity.

We have come to realize that you are at your best when you are posing for school pictures. Remember this gem from last year?
Your "I Dream of Hawaii in Autumn While Holding a Tiny Pumpkin" picture?

This year the school sent home a reminder note about pictures with instructions to "please be properly groomed and dressed for pictures, shoes will show." You were so good about picking out a shirt with buttons on it, like you know Mommy likes, then took the liberty of pairing it with a pair of camo shorts. You were so proud of yourself for voluntarily putting on a shirt with buttons, that I just didn't have the heart to make you change out of the camo shorts. Daddy completed the ensemble by spiking your mohawk up to the sky, and sent you off to pose for your fall preschool pictures.

Oy vey.
The "I Gaze in Delighted Wonderment at My Future Just Above My Eye Line Whilst Sitting Among the Apples On The Farm and Wearing My Silly Bands and Camo Shorts" picture.

The mohawk only adds a little edginess to the whole shot, I think.

I'm afraid these won't be on the photographer's brochure anytime soon.

I love you so, so much A-man. You are truly the most unique person I know, and I wouldn't have it any other way!


  1. A-Man you look GREAT!!!! Remind your mother that you are a victim of hurricane Ike, and all of your clothes were lost in the storm.... Or remind your mother that YOU didn't buy those camo shorts.... Hey A, I like the whole Rambo on the farm look..

  2. I love seeing your family grow! Also, SWEET mohawk!

  3. giggling all the way to tears. I picture a doozy of a wedding slide show in about 20 years. You should make a note to sell tickets rather than give out invitations.
    - Cuz Carrie
