Monday, October 11, 2010

The Next Eight Saturdays

...will be spent at the soccer and flag football fields!

Aidan is playing soccer this year, and Dane decided to try his hand at flag football for a season. We found a league that has NO weeknight practices, which is a dream come true for our family. The boys go on Saturday, they practice for an hour then have a game for an hour. If this past weekend is any indication, we will be spending quite a lot of time at the fields over these next eight Saturdays.

Aidan played a great soccer game, scoring one goal and playing goalie for a little while, too.

Every week the coach awards a "sportsmanship medal" to one of the kids (till everyone has won a medal), and Aidan of course is very excited for the day when he will win a medal.

Dane is playing flag football on a team with 6-8 year olds. It should be an interesting learning experience for my Dane, he'll probably be just about the smallest kid on the field on any given Saturday.

He played hard, was a good sport, and had a great time playing defense.

And he's number 1 in my book :)

So, what are you doing the next eight Saturdays?

1 comment:

  1. I am just glad that none of my children had any ability or interest in sports...
