Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Twas The Day After Thanksgiving...

Twas the day after Thanksgiving

And all through the house

Not a creature was stirring

Except for the women, who went Black Friday shopping, risking life and limb by battling crazy bargain shoppers all on the quest for the perfect Christmas gift at 60% off, one of whom showed up at the Radio Shack wearing a SpongeBob Snuggie and almost slide tackled Yours Truly in front of the bluetooth section. At 5:30 in the morning.


The men were all left with the children with that day

In hopes that the leftovers would vanish away

Dane stayed in his jammies, Aidan, Harper and Emmy too

And settled on in for some pre-Christmas gift exchanging with the family to be completed prior to the start of the Alabama-Auburn game.

When out of the box there arose such a clatter!

I sprang from the loveseat to see two little girls digging gleefully into their new stash of dress up clothes, gifted to them by their Aunt Val and Aunt Ade!

Away to the tutus and sparkly shoes they flew in a flash

Tore open the jewelry, there was all but a sash!

The sun shone outside, for there would be no snow

Dane hunkered down with his books, his sister, a bow.

When, to my wondering eyes should appear

A Clone Trooper, but not a single reindeer!

Mommy with her camera, so right and so quick,

Threw many a cousin on the couch for a pic

And faster than the chocolate cake disappeared,

I called on the cousins, "look here, look here"!

"Now Dane, and Aidan, and Emerson too!

Joel, and Harper, Uriah, please do!

Say cheese for a picture and we call all take a nap!

Cause at 5:30 this morning these tired mommies were at The Gap!

We sprang from our slumber and played games at the table

Cranium and Taboo!, to conquer we were able

And 'round 8 o'clock we heard these girls proclaim,

"Happy Thanksmas to all, and to all a good night!"


  1. I hope you are saving money for Harper's charm school tuition.... She looks like she could go bear hunting with a stick....

  2. She is the toughest looking person I have ever seen in a tutu...and let me tell you, that is saying something!

  3. Adorable! I think the last picture is my favorite!

  4. What a fun post! Can't have girls without dress up clothes!
