Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Build A Bear 2010

About this time last year, we took the kids to Build A Bear, coupons in hand, and the boys built animals for each other for Christmas. They LOVED it. Especially Aidan, who is still all about the stuffed animals. They loved the whole process, selecting the animals, picking out a heart to be put inside, cleaning and fluffing, and picking out Star Wars costumes for the animals. The Star Wars costumes spent about 3 minutes on the animals after they were eventually opened on Christmas day last year, and I have spent the 350ish days since then picking the stuffed-animal clothes off of the floor and out of the laundry basket. No more Build A Bear clothes for this house, please. I have enough laundry to wash for the people without having to wash Aidan's dog's outfit. No thank you.

This year, we thought the girls might like to recieve Build A Bears from their siblings for Christmas. I know I say this all the time, but nothing is more fun than watching your three year old experience the fun stuff for the first time. Halloween, Smores, horseback riding, it just doesn't get any better. Brandon pointed out that Emerson came to America at just the right time of year. Fall, when the weather is almost bearable, pumpkin patch time, followed up by Halloween, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas activities.

This little girl was slightly less excited about Build-A-Bear. I guess she was bored by the whole experience and thought a nap was a better use of her precious time.

Emerson looked at every last animal on this wall, held several of them, pet the soft fur. And which animal did my precious Chinese daughter finally select?

That's right. The panda.

Aidan was more than willing to empart some of his hard-earned Build-A-Bear expertise to Emerson, and helped her pick out just the right heart for her panda.

He was also ready to step up to the plate and help make Harper's pink bear, since Princess Hops was still sound asleep in her stroller.

The kids loved cleaning and brushing the bears, and the boys selected names for the girls' bears: Cutie, and Cutie Two.
We had a great time at Build A Bear, and I can't wait till this girl and her little sister get to open their bears on Christmas morning!


  1. OK.... You want us to believe that your two hounds wanted to go to BAB because they love their sisters so much... Or could it be they wanted to see the hottie that stuffed their bear last year???

  2. What a fun tradition!!! Emerson looks like she was having a blast!!!
