Saturday, April 2, 2011

In Which I Document Last Weekend in Mind-Numbing Detail

Hi, I'm Mandy. And I incessantly photograph my children doing mundane things with various members of their extended family. Except for the children that I can't seem to find because they're upstairs creating stuffed-animal football games. Those don't seem to get photographed quite as often.

Surely there's a support group somewhere I can join for people who go visit family for a weekend and come home with 300 pictures of their children.

And when that weekend happens to coincide with a certain little girl's second birthday? Mama keep that camera battery charged. It's going to get ugly for your CF card.

The girls played outside with Grammy,

...and this is one of my favorite pictures ever of Emerson.

Harper enjoyed her Elmo birthday cake in Fort Worth Friday night, before we headed to my parents Saturday morning.

I love her little foot flipped up. And look! Dane snuck into the picture. Proof that we did in fact, take the boys up there with us.
The little "Party Princess" had quite the weekend.

Saturday morning we loaded up early from Grammy and GranDoug's house and went to my parents' house for the day. My mom and I went to pick up the birthday cake, and of course did a little shopping afterwards. I'm not sure what the people at Marshall's thought of us wheeling our cake around the store in the shopping cart. Who's on the cake? That's Princess Tiana from Princess and the Frog. Thanks to some free movie channels, my girls have become pretty big fans of the "Princess Frog movie".

Aunt Lindy (and soon-to-be baby Nora) played with Emerson
And Zane and baby Jack came over, too. Emmy and Harper tried to give baby Jack a seizure showing him their light-up toys all day.

Pappy (who is still upset at Blue Bell for adding corn syrup to their recipes a few years ago) whipped up a batch of homemade chocolate ice cream to go with our birthday cake.

He had a few eager helpers.

And definitely a few eager taste-testers.

And a smoochy birthday girl.

Betty joined us for cake and ice cream, and she and baby Jack experienced some of the mayhem that takes place when 6 of her great-grandchildren are together in one place.

Most of the mayhem, of course, was caused by Zane and baby Jack. My children are perfectly calm angels who enjoy sitting quietly and reading their bibles while the grown-ups finish dessert.

Cake was eaten, ice cream was enjoyed, and a few presents were opened by Harper girl, then Miss Emerson got her very own present

Emmy enjoys her "Pillow Panda" very much, and it has joined her other panda, quilt, 2 pink blankies, prayer, and "night-night song" in "things Emerson will not go to bed without."

We had such a fun and eventful weekend seeing lots of family, meeting baby Laurel, and celebrating March 26.

And taking 300 pictures, 260 of which happened to be of Harper.

Dane, Aidan, and Emerson, mommy loves you very much too.

1 comment:

  1. I heard your father, who is a wonderful man, lost all of the birthday pictures he took of the party because someone erased them when she downloaded them. The poor elderly man has no pictures from the birthday cubed.
