Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If Harper Blogged...

Hi everyone! (And by "everyone", I mean Pappy and 3 other people). Mommy said if I went a whole morning without stripping my diaper off smearing poo on my hands and running naked through the living room, she would let me blog on her computer.

You'll never guess what we did last week. I'll give you a hint. It's March. We go here every year in March. My mommy has to figure out what to do with 13 pounds of strawberries afterwards.

We took some of my friends along with us to King's Orchard last week, and boy did we have fun! Mommy took a picture of some of us before started. I don't always like to look at the camera.

This was the first time my sister Emerson has ever been strawberry-pickin, so I showed her how it's done.

Emmy's favorite part was getting to carry the little box. She kept putting strawberries in the box and saying "Emerson's!".

I think she would have loved it even more if she liked strawberries.

Not that I know anything about loving strawberries. Because I would never dream of eating strawberries as I picked them, before they were rightfully paid for and properly disinfected.
I would never teach my friend Reed how to eat strawberries in the field.

I would never try to figure out how to sneak freshly picked strawberries under my shirt.
The little kid catches the blame for everything! If you tell me not to eat the strawberries, Mommy, I will not eat them. How dare you accuse me!

After picking almost 5 pounds of strawberries per box, the mommies attempted the impossible: a picture with all of the children (except little baby Lori):

Silly mommies. They should know by now that I'm not going to sit for a picture when there's strawberries to eat and dirt to play in and shoes to take off!

When we were done, we all had a little lunch. Mommy kept trying to get me to eat the yogurt and peanut butter and the other food that she had brought for me, but I was very busy digging in my friends' lunch bags, scavenging for chips and goldfish and sneaking sips of sprite. I was quite a mess after lunch, given the dirt and strawberry juice and peanut butter and yogurt encrusted in my hair and under my fingernails. Mommy got pretty tickled when she saw this sign over the bathroom sink, and realized that I must not have been the only strawberry-covered little girl to ever leave King's Orchard!

And, frankly, she briefly considered using the hose outside on me.

I had so much fun picking all the strawberries (I have a confession to make: I ate a few in the field), and I hope we can go back again soon!

Love, Harper


  1. We had fun - love King's Orchard! Next year, Lori will be joining in the strawberry picking / eating/ mess making fun!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Things I like about this post:

    1. Aidan holding hands with his buddy
    2. Emmy's shoes on the wrong feet
    3. Your Mommy friends wrangling kiddos in the background while Hops does her thing
    4. Aidan and Emmy's peace signs in the last picture

    ...I bet Dane was bummed to miss out!
