Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cinco De Mayo

Woo hoo!  I'm only running a couple of weeks behind on blogging...
We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with 5k run for Brandon and Dane, and a 1k run for Aidan.  

Us girls cheered for the boys from the sidelines.  I am not a runner.  I only run if something big and scary is chasing me.
Like this Chic-Fil-A cow.  I don't know why I'm just a bit freaked out by the CFA cow, and other "mascot" style costumes.  Maybe it's because I can't see their eyes or facial expressions.  But I'm not a fan of big furry costumes.
23 minutes later...
and 4 minutes after that...
Dane came in first place in the 9-and under age group, and won a $25 gift card at a frozen yogurt place.

While the boys ran, Emerson...flirted?  She and her friend from church got matching scorpions painted on their faces.
Yeah, life is going to be real interesting in about 10 years.  


  1. That better not be MY granddaughter with her shirt knotted up talking to that scheming scoundrel who has probably never even had a job....

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
