Tuesday, May 22, 2012

In the last Couple of Weeks...

...we celebrated Mother's Day!  Yay for Mommies!  On Sunday our church service focused on adoption and orphan care, and we had the opportunity to sponsor a child in Guatemala who attends a church we have worked with in the past.  We are in the midst of a children's building campaign at our church right now, and are simultaneously raising money to also build a childrens' building at the Guatemalan church.  When we saw Johann's face, we knew he was ours to sponsor.  He's a little kindergarten boy in Guatemala.  The description?  "Yohan is one of two boys in his family.  Yohan is an extremely energetic boy and sometimes has a hard time paying attention in class.  His school has a history of teaching "active" children like Yohan to focus their energy in a constructive manner."  We thought his description sounded a little...familiar.  Like another kindergarten boy we know.

Meet Yohan.
Y'all.  He's the Guatemalan Aidan.
Do you see it?

...That grey tooth finally fell out of Dane's mouth.  The grey tooth that has been staring at us lopsided and loose for the better part of two months.  Fell out into a slice of pizza that Dane was chomping on, with the permanent tooth already peeking through behind it.  We are celebrating Dane's hillbilly look for a little while, until the loose tooth next to it falls out sometime next year.

...we have decided to use a portion of our tax refund to redecorate the upstairs playroom a little bit.  Since we moved into the house 9 years ago, the walls have been a red color that I  LOVE, but I'm ready for a change.  I think we're going with light grey walls and some sort of yellow curtains to start with.  I've barely been able to get off Pinterest lately, what with all the IDEAS and such.

This is the type of color scheme I am going for...

Mine won't be exactly like the pictures, of course, because it will still be covered with all sorts of baby dolls and princess dress up clothes and a play kitchen.  And we're not buying any new furniture, so we're just going to slipcover and paint and work with what we got.  Also Brandon may have talked me into transferring the TV and cabinet from downstairs into this upstairs room, replacing the 800 pound television with one of those new-fangled flat screen TV's that are so so fancy now.  Have you seen these new TVs? They're BRAND NEW.  And yes, we bought the last 800 pound television of its' kind 9 years ago when we moved in.

...we are in the midst of swim team season.  The kids love practicing, and if Aidan would let go of the rope long enough to swim, he may actually be pretty fast.  Dane has become a speedy little swimmer, the fastest in his age group right now.  Emerson spends her time during swim practice practicing her "big kicks" on the kick board with her coach.  She's still pretty sure everyone else is there just to watch her swim.

...my last d-group is tomorrow night.  Can't remember if I've mentioned this or not, but throughout this entire school year, I have been meeting with a group of high school girls every Wednesday night.  There's usually about 10 girls and me, and we do a Bible study or read a book, and we spend time sharing prayer requests and praying for each other and they keep me up to date on current music and weird abbreviations (YOLO!) and teach me how to tie a scarf and tell me which mascaras are good.  I still haven't figured out why some "cute boys" are considered "cute boys".  But that's okay.  I'm 34 years old, and it would be creepity-creepy if I did think 16 year old boys were cute.  Eww.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to post again before this weekend...


  1. Ha ha-- I totally see it! Love the new banner photo, too!

  2. Yohan and Aidan look more alike than Dane and Aidan...
