Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Summer,

Well, it's been quite a summer.  It may not have quite been the Summer of Awesome.  I have to admit, it was more often the Summer of LOOOONNNNGG.  There was more necessary discipline and rule enforcing than I would have liked.  But there was also lots and lots of swimming, backyard football, coloring, puzzles, church camp, grandparent time, and adventure days.  More days than not, my kitchen was strewn with coloring books, swimsuits, wet towels, and chalk.  And books, princess costumes, and Pokemon cards.  I've decided that if my house is too clean, then my kids are probably watching too much TV.

We enjoyed a July full of decent temperatures and lots of indoor rainy days, and an August full of hot temperatures and occasional outdoor rainy days:

We discovered the greatest snow cone stand on the planet way too late in the summer, sometime in mid-August...
but that has not kept us from filling up 3 "buy 9 get one free" snow cone cards.  Turns out the best days end with cold treats (ice cream cones, frozen yogurt, or snow cones) right after a long swim at the neighborhood pool.
We'll miss you, Summer 2012.  It's been a fun-filled one.  But in this house, we are welcoming school, cooler temperatures (hopefully!) and football season with open arms.

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