Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of School

I know, I know, I'm two days late with this post.  In my defense, we've had a busy, fun August, full of family, broken bones, and photographable moments.  This slacker-blogger is still trying to catch up. 

We ended summer with Brandon taking most of the last week off, so we had several good days together as a family heading into the school year.  We did not obsess over the start of the school year, and spend the last 2 weeks frantically shopping and organizing and going to sleep early in preparation for school.  We squeezed every last drop of summer that we could, and then hit the ground running this past Monday.
And by "hit the ground running", I mean I think everyone got breakfast, Emerson spent 35 minutes eating a bowl of oatmeal, and Dane had a meltdown because I had thrown away a pair of broken tennis shoes that were too small for him.  But other than that, a pretty smooth morning, and the kids were all very excited about the first day of school.

Especially this girl:

She and Daddy took the liberty of selecting a first-day-of-school outfit, and I let it go and just let her wear the selected outfit, even though I had something slightly different in mind for this momentous occasion.

Aidan found out at Meet the Teacher that his best friend from last year was in his class again this year, so he was pretty excited to see him again.
Dane also has a classroom full of buddies (and a pregnant teacher that he will probably only have for half a year) and forgot to bring his marker to school so all of his friends could sign his cast.

Poor Dane-o and his broken arm.  Thankfully, it's feeling much better, he's off the pain medication, and has a little more of his spark back.  And by "spark", I mean I had to tell him to quit jumping on the bed and to please stop playing football in the living room. It's going to be a long 6-8 weeks in the cast.  (Sidenote:  Dane reads a lot during school, and today he took his copy of the young adults' edition of the Tim Tebow autobiography.  And he read the ENTIRE BOOK today while at school.  I have no idea if he actually did any school work.)

BACKPACKS!  The elementary-schoolers were happy to show off their new backpacks. When we were in the store picking them out a few weeks ago, Emerson was all ready to go with her pink Disney princess backpack.  Until she saw this Avengers bag with "Daddy Thor" on it.  It's maybe time to cut your hair when your daughter is convinced that the fictional character on her backpack is actually her father.
And where was Harper during all of the first-day-of-school picture taking fun?  Pouting on the driveway with her new backpack, refusing to take pictures with the other kids.

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