Friday, August 17, 2012

Galveston 2012

Last Tuesday, Brandon came home from work a couple of hours early.  We looked at each other for a minute, checked our watches, and threw the kids in the van, with a bag full of swimsuits in the back, unbeknownst to them.  

Destination:  Galveston. 

Of course, we didn't tell the kids exactly where we were headed until we parked outside one of our favorite little Galveston places...

We just told them we were going to get ice cream.
And we did get ice cream.  
We just got ice cream, malts, root beer milkshakes, candy, and freshly made saltwater taffy.  That's all.  

Even if we had to drive over an hour, and get stuck in rush hour traffic, it was well worth it.

Some travelers got a little sleepy on the road and had to be woken up at our destination.

And I realized when I got home that I take way more pictures of the girls than I do the boys.

After our little jaunt at LaKing's, we drove around and found my new favorite beach in Galveston.  It was huge, empty, and generally speaking, much prettier than anywhere else we have been on the island.  
And I'm not telling you exactly where it was, because I don't want word to get out that there is a semi-awesome beach in Galveston.
The water was still brown, we were definitely still in Galveston.

We got to the beach at about 6:30, and left when the sun went down.  It was perfect.  Just enough time to enjoy splashing in the water, but without the heat, sunburn, and crowds.
The boys and Brandon played together in the slightly "bigger water"

while I stayed closer to the beach with one very scared Harper, and one very "brave" Emerson (more on that later).
The kids proclaimed last Tuesday to be the "funnest day", and even with three hours in the car, I would have to agree.  Hopefully we can have one more of these funnest days before too long.


  1. The last shot is great.... Your daddy must be really proud of you....

  2. Brandon took it. I'm sure his daddy is really proud of him :)
