Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Newest Niece

One of the highlights of our summer was welcoming our newest niece into the world last month.  Jeremy and Adrienne and big sister Laurel welcomed Juliana Elise on July ...

This picture was taken at Jeremy and Adrienne's house 45 minutes before Juliana made her grand entrance.  45 minutes.  Adrienne blogged that story here.
I have a feeling this little one will be full of surprises and keeping her parents on their toes for a long time.  After all, she hid quietly for almost half a pregnancy before anyone knew she was there.
A couple of days later, Brandon took the kids to meet their newest little cousin.  I already had a shift scheduled to work, so I didn't make the traveling squad :(  Hopefully I will get to meet Juliana soon!
Baby girl has TONS of dark hair.
Dane loves, loves holding babies.
My Aidan and his newest baby cousin
I had to work early this morning, so Brandon got the kids ready to go.  I gave him careful instructions to please don't let the kids look homeless when they meet Juliana, because I knew pictures would be taken.  I think he did a pretty good job!
Harper was not too eager to hold the new baby, but Grammy helped a little with the introductions.
The kids were very intrigued by Juliana's umbilical cord.  Harper declared the cord to be "VERY yucky."

Harper girl, I helped you clean your playroom the other day, and you handed me a pink knit cap, saying "Stinky turkey!"  When I looked in the cap, I found several pieces of turkey lunchmeat intermingled with legos and a barbie dress.  Sadly, I had no idea when the package of turkey went missing from the fridge.  All that to say, Harper, people who live in lunchmeat houses need not be throwing yucky rocks.
Congratulations, Jeremy, Adrienne, and big sister Laurel!  Juliana is beautiful and I can't wait to meet her!


  1. Is Harper the adopted one??? I hope.... If not surely she gets "it" from the other side of the family....

  2. Aww, thanks for sharing the news! Juliana is excited to meet Aunt Mandy very soon! :)
