Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Girly Day

A couple of weekends ago, Dane and Aidan went up to see Grammy and GranDoug for a few days.
I have no idea what they did.  I think it involved the Grossology museum exhibit, and some Olympics.  But they had a great weekend, and are already asking if they get to go back again next year.

Brandon and I took advantage of parenting two little girls for the weekend, and planned a very special "Girly Day".

Emerson was quick to correct us in that it was in fact not a "Girly Day".  It was "Girly Day with Daddy.  Because Daddy is a boy.  But no boys, even though we still love the boys.  We just needed a break."

Well said, sweet girl.  May you never be in charge of writing headlines.

We started "Girly Day"* off with a trip to the nail salon for some abbreviated mani-pedi time.  My girls are not fans of sitting for an actual, hour-long mani-pedi, so we settled for just pretty nail polish.

There's a reason Harper's hair looks so bad.  You'll see why in a minute.

And yes, Emerson selected black, slightly sparkly nail polish.  It was surprisingly cute on her.

We continued on, nails freshly painted with a very cooperative Daddy in tow, to get haircuts for two sweet little girls.  Harper got a head-start on her haircut the day before, with a pair of scissors from the kitchen, unbeknownst to her babysitter.  She chopped off several inches of hair around her left ear, so off to the salon we went!

LoLo's favorite part was looking at her tummy in the mirror in front of her.  

After haircuts, we headed over to our little local movie theater that shows new movies for the bargain price of $2.50 for a matinee.  Perfect for our not-so-little family of 6, even more perfect when the four of us could see the new Ice Age movie for a TOTAL price of $10.  Plus the price of Brandon's giant tub of popcorn.

The fun was not over after the movie!  We took advantage of a couple of free kids meal coupons that we had to get some yummy lunch for the girls, then popped over for "Free Taste Friday" and sampled some seriously delicious cupcakes.
A friend from church (who just happens to be one of our former youth group girls, but is now a full-fledged grown up.  There's quite a few people who fall into that category now, one of the fun parts of being involved in youth ministry for 11-plus years at the same church.).  Anyway, Lisa is kicking off her new business, Flick of the Whisk, and invited all cupcake-lovers to a tasting party.  Um, yes please!  One of our favorites was this chocolate-peanut butter number that Emerson is posing with.  Locals, you're going to want to keep Lisa's number handy next time you need a sweet tooth fix.

The girls still had some energy left after the nail salon, haircuts, movies, lunch, and cupcakes, so we took them to the neighborhood pool for a quick swim.  Can't head to the pool before posing for a cell phone picture in our swimsuits and flashing gang signs with our freshly-manicured fingers, can we?

Thanks, Grammy and GranDoug for hanging out with Dane and Aidan so we could enjoy our two little girls and a very special "Girly Day with Daddy.  Because Daddy is a boy.  But no boys, even though we still love the boys.  We just needed a break."  

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