Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Pathetic Attempt at Kid Pictures

A couple of weeks ago, one unseasonalby warm (okay, hot and sweaty) afternoon in November, I dressed the kids in planned, coordinating, fall outfits and dragged everyone to the park in hopes of getting a decent picture for a Christmas card.  Last year featured Brandon and me as Santa and a (scantilly clad) Mrs. Claus pulled in a sleigh by four familiar-looking reindeer, with detailed illustrations and heads cut out from pictures.  So this year, creative control is mine.  I just want ONE YEAR with a normal-ish Christmas card.  Just ONE YEAR. 

Someday I'll tell a little story about the Christmas Cards of Mandy's Past.  It's a sordid tale of denim jumpers and 80s perms.

I was given about 30 minutes of picture taking with semi-cooperative children and a semi-cooperative camera, and came away with 114 pictures. 

9 of them were in focus.


3 of those actually featured all 4 of my children.
Brilliant.  But look how in focus those pretty red trees are in the background?
Please, please someone take the camera out of my hands and never give it back to me.

The other six featured these cuties,

and my boys up in a tree:

So if you're holding your breath waiting on the annual Christmas card from our house, you may be waiting A. While.

1 comment:

  1. I bet their Pappy would like a copy of the one that is fourth from the last of just the two girls ..... The one where the blond one is not digging at her belly button... I bet their GG would like some of those for her digital frame...
