Friday, December 14, 2012

The Frequent Wedding Goers

The weekend before Thanksgiving (deep breath, I'm only 1 MONTH behind on blogging now!) our little family headed up to the Dallas area for a wedding.  Little known fact, we have become Frequent Wedding Goers.  And Brandon has become Frequent Wedding Officiant.  He even had to get a new suit a couple of months ago thanks to all the "running" and "not eating crappy food" he's been doing lately (his suit size has gone from a 50L to a 43L in 10 months). 

Where was I?  Wedding in Dallas.  Remember Tommy?  This Tommy?  His oldest sister got married last month, and Brandon had the privledge of preforming their ceremony.  The kiddos hung out with my parents over the weekend (fort building and pizza making won out over "hey Aidan, want to come to a wedding with us".  Can't imagine why) while Brandon and I caught up with old friends and squeezed in a James Bond movie.  Daniel Craig needs to play James Bond forever.  And he needs to be James Bond in every movie he makes.  The End.

Look!  It's Brandon and Mandy at a wedding!  Every picture we have together lately features Brandon in his suit, and me in one of the two dresses I own.

 And Brandon and I with Rhonda and Tommy, friends we have had for about *cough* 20 years.  Except that surely we are not old enough to have friends for 20 YEARS.  OLD PEOPLE talk about having friends for 20 years.  Not us.
A great time was had by all, and we rushed home just in time to pack, cook, and load up for Thanksgiving at Grammy and GranDoug's house!

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