Wednesday, February 13, 2013

And It Wouldn't Be a Holiday...

...with my side of the family without the requisite Family Photo Shoot...

Nora, Andy, Parker, and Lindy:
and Zane, John, Brandy, and Jack
My crew:
and again...
Momo and Pappy with all the kids:
Someday all these kids will be teenagers and will think it's terribly uncool to all spend the holidays together, but right now they are 9,7,5,4,3,2,1,and 4ish months old, and can't get enough cousin time!

Everyone together, and heavily photoshopped :)


  1. I see what you mean by Photoshopped.... Someone Photoshopped a belly on your dad and made him look fat.....

  2. Same thing happened to your sister...
