Monday, February 11, 2013

White Christmas

Christmas morning at my parents' house, it started snowing and didn't stop for several hours.  We weren't expecting a white Christmas, but it was AWESOME!
And my kids, yet again, were dressed a little like homeless people.

Aidan in his grey sweats,

While little Cousin Nora looked like some sort of catalog model.

Seriously.  The owl hat is killing me.

Brandon and I, looking cold and happy:

And then there's this:
*sigh* I have no words.

Emmy was pretty enamored with the snow.  I'm pretty sure this was her first time to see snow.  Dane saw snow when he was a baby, but other than that, this was the first time for any of them to play outside in it.
I thoroughly embarrassed Brandon when I posted this picture on Facebook a few weeks ago:
Sorry, honey, but it's going on a wall somewhere when I get it printed out.
Just one more Christmas Photo Dump then I am D-O-N-E till next December!

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