Thursday, July 2, 2009

Camp Pappy Part 1

We all arrived safe and sound to Camp Pappy Sunday night to be greeted by Pappy himself, Aunt Lindy and Uncle Andy. And lots of Legos. Legos have pretty much taken over our house these last few months, and Dane and Aidan will sit and play for hours. Andy, the uncle previously known as NQUA, played with the boys for a while. It's always nice to have an architect handy when you're building Lego forts.
Uncle Andy also got to meet Miss Harper for the first time. And no introduction is complete without a little vomit on your shoulder.
Monday morning we all got ready to go to the local splash park (water park? splash pad?) in town, only to find that it was temporarily closed due to lightening. So we headed over to Goldsmith Stadium, where Brandon was the leading reciever for the Lewisville Fighting Farmers football team in 1995. The boys, clad only in their swimsuits, ran around the field, jumped on the pole vaulter's mat, and admired the biggest urinal they have ever seen on a tour of the locker room courtesy of Pappy. Aidan stayed far away from the urinal cake this time.

Aidan was going for his shorts as soon as he saw this giant urinal/trough.
Harper showed off her Vegas-showgirl headdress for Pappy Monday morning.

Monday afternoon I wandered around the mall all. by. myself. for a couple of hours, and eventually headed back to the house.

Tuesday morning, and it was time for Round 2 of the water park. This time it was open, and Dane, Aidan, and cousin Zane had big fun while Harper and I got ready for our lunch date.

Harper and I met MoMo (my mom), my Aunt Betsy, and my grandma Betty for lunch at Chapp's on Tuesday. When Brandon and I first got married and still lived in Arlington, I worked at Chapp's for a few months that first summer. It was right around the corner from our first apartment, where our across-the-porch neighbor may or may not have grown illegal recreational "garden plants" on his balcony.
Harper had a great time at lunch meeting Betty and Betsy, and catching up on all the family gossip. After lunch, Harper and I stopped and bought sunglasses for her (so cute!) and the boys for the photo shoot Wednesday.

Photo shoot? But of course. Doesn't everyone have a four hour photo shoot with a professional photographer when they go and visit their grandparents? No? More to come from the shoot later.

Tuesday evening wrapped up with a yummy turkey dinner with Mom, Dad, John, Brandy, Zane, and my kiddos. And true to form at my parents' house, everyone was in bed and asleep by 9:15 that night.

We had to rest up, we had a lot of Camp Pappy still left.


  1. Your dad seems like a wonderful man. How fortunate your children are to have him for a Pappy. I'm sure he is spending today taking bids from upholstery cleaning companies after the serial puker strafed his house.

  2. super fun!! Grandparents are the BEST ever!!!
