Sunday, July 5, 2009

Camp Pappy Part 2

Wednesday morning of Camp Pappy 2009 began very early with a very cranky Harper. Perfect, since her Big Photo Shoot was mere hours away. After a bottle and an early nap, she was slightly more ready for her close up. Are you wondering how a complex, several hours-long shoot with 4 children (3 of whom are not Dane) went? As well as it could have possibly gone. There were some tears, some vomiting, several outfit changes, a huge tantrum, and lots of bribery, but I think the ever patient and talented Lorriane got some great shots. A promised light saber fight with Uncle J0hn followed.

No trip to Camp Pappy is complete without a Boy Cousin Bath.

Wednesday evening finished off with me going to the movies all. by. myself. I went to see The Proposal, which Brandon would never be interested in seeing with me. When I told my sister I was going to the movies alone, she responded with "That's so sad!" You can tell she doesn't have a houseful of small children following her every move all day every day. I had a wonderful time seeing a movie all by my lonesome, with no one whining, vomiting, tattling, or pooping on or near me for a whole hour and 48 minutes.  It was bliss, I tell you.

While I was enjoying the movie, my parents were trying to successfully get a picture of their grandchildren all sitting still and looking at the camera simultaneously.  They got pretty close...

Thursday morning we took the kids to this wonderful little place in town called Going Bonkers.  And yes, we did.  Dane, Aidan, and Zane ran around and climbed till their hearts' content, which apparently for Aidan, is only about an hour and a half.  

Thursday night, Harper spent some quality time with Aunt Lindy in a few rare high-maintenance moments of wanting to be held continuously.  She and Lindy got along beautifully...

Zane and Harper also enjoyed each other quite a bit.  I have a feeling they will be big buddies in a year or so.
Thursday night my parents cooked up a yummy dinner of brisket, potatoes, bread, beans, and yummy chocolate pie-cheesecake stuff dessert stuff.  We had John and his family, Lindy and Andy, and my cousin Cliff and his wife, SIL, and MIL.  We had a great time, and I think we only frightened Cliff's sweet family a little bit.

We headed back home Friday morning, and settled in for an afternoon of laundry and unpacking.  I ran across this picture of Aidan and Harper that I just thought was cute:
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend!  Post coming up soon of our festivities.

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