I have several blog posts in progress as I try to catch up on a few things from this past week. Since this blog serves primarily as my "scrapbook", I really want to try and document events that I think my kids will want to look at one day.
Last Thursday was one of these days. Dane had his first grade Thanksgiving program at school, and though I arrived 20 minutes early in preparation of a TSA-style security check in process, all of the parents were waved on through directly to the cafeteria for the program. I would love to tell you how nervous I was at the room-full of unscreened adults, without proper photo name badges displayed on the front of the shirt, but I was more apprehensive about the little cafeteria seats all of the adults were having to sit on. I didn't realize that during the 20+ years since I was in elementary school, all of the benches on cafeteria tables had been replaced by individual seats, approximately the size of a square of toilet paper. While this might be okay for a 6 year old to sit on for 20 minutes at lunchtime, there were several hundred ample sized adults perched precariously upon the little square seats for a much-longer than it needed to be Thanksgiving program. Brandon said he was standing the whole time so he could see to take better pictures, but I suspect he had ulterior motives.
Especially since this was the best pictures we got of the program.
Do you see Dane?
After the 6 (or 7?) classes of first graders had finished their program, the mom-arazzi was invited to come up and take a few pictures of the precious children, and this was still the best picture we got:
Clearly this is a monumentous event in the life of our son and we are bound and determine to document it lest he fail to grasp the true meaning of Thanksgiving, which, according to his first grade program, is to hunt turkeys and make hand motions involving tissue-paper corn crafts.
It's what Thanksgiving means to me.
Dane was a turkey in the Thanksgiving play??? I hope he doesn't get type cast.... I think he has the emotional range to play gravy.... And.... Dare I say.... Someday I think he could play the dressing.... The stuff dreams are made of...
My youngest was helping in worship time Sunday and it was her first chance to observe Emerson. She said she was so cute and inquisitive. She had to check out all the carpet squares. As a family, we've followed your progress of adoption and Morgan loved finally interacting with a real in person Emerson. You have great kids (if slightly energetic kids, teehee).
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